Monday, April 23, 2012

Animal Alphabet Giveaway

I've put some new ABC cards up in the shop--look familiar? I originally made them as posters, but I'm kind of loving the smaller size of the 4 inch by 5 inch cards. I made a fun little book for my kiddos by putting the Animal shaped Alphabet Cards into a simple photo album. My animal loving sweetie has been enthralled with it. 

They've been a bit of a hit, and we really haven't had a giveaway for a long time . . . so we're having a giveaway! 

To enter for the printable Animal Alphabet leave a comment telling me what you'd do with the Animal cards. 

Giveaway ends Monday, May 7th. One winner will be posted May 8th. 


Friday, April 13, 2012

FF- 5 a day

One of my good friends asked me months ago if I would come up with a way to keep track of eating 5 a day-you know 5 servings of fruits and veggies (although is it total or is it 5 veggies?). Anyway, I guess it's up to you. I finally did it. A simple monthly calendar that has five little circles around a number (the day of the month) so you can fill in on each day how many healthy plant things your eating :) It's actually been really good for me to start thinking about adding that extra fruit or veggie at meals. But I may just need a separate calendar for each family member (those picky eaters!)

You can find the calendar here. 


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Baptism Toppers

My oldest nephew on my husband's side turned eight in March, which means a very exciting event occurred. He got baptized! In our church children are baptized at eight rather than as an infant. We believe children aren't held accountable for their choices before this and therefore can't "sin." (Yeah they still make wrong choices but they're mistakes are covered through the Savior's atonement before eight--without needing repentance). Anyway, at eight we believe they are old enough to decide if they want to be baptized and also to start choosing right from wrong and start repenting for mistakes. (the CTR stands for "Choose the Right").

Anyway, so I volunteered to make cupcakes for the big event and of course they needed toppers! So this is what I came up with--simple but fun. I feel bad that I didn't get any pictures at the luncheon with the toppers in the cupcakes. . . I just did white frosting with a few blue sugar sprinkles. They went fast!

They were such a hit that I thought I'd offer them to you. I know they don't apply to all, but some times those religious printables are hard to find when you're looking for them! You can now find my baptism toppers in my etsy shop personalized with the name and color of your choice. Find them here.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Missed you guys

Well, let me tell you. Don't listen to nurses :) Just kidding. My sister in law is a great nurse. But as it happens one particular nurse told me 4 weeks ago not to take an psuedophed for my head cold. . . which a week later was a sinus infection. . . which also became an ear infection . . . so I called the nurse back and she told me to take psuedophed! It's been a fun 3 weeks of sickness around here and another week of frantically putting the house back together and getting ready for Easter. But I'm back! This is what I was working on all last week:

A little Easter dress for the sweetie. (Who was being very uncooperative for pictures outside . . . I couldn't get her out of that play house!) One of the weeks I was so sick I couldn't get out of my bed (thanks to the lovely vertigo assaulting me) I laid in bed and planned it all out in my mind. It turned out just how I imagined (which doesn't always happen) and that is always happy. And just so you know, if you ever are going to do ruffles on  a dress figure around a 3:1 ratio (3 feet of fabric equals 1 foot of gathered fabric) and a lot of yardage to hem :)

Hope you all had a very happy Easter!


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