I was talking to my sister before I planned the buddy's birthday party and she told me how she'd invited 5 boys to her son's party and 3 of them ended up not being able to come and so his party involved 3 boys. She was a little disappointed. So I figured, heck, we'll invite 9 kids, that way when half of them can't come, we'll still have a party! And then of course, as luck would have it, all 9 of them (plus a few siblings) were able to come. Another stroke of luck came when Caleb snuck up behind me while I was perusing ideas online for the party and saw some pictures of "creature power vests" because we were having a Wild's Kratt's Party--from the show on pbskids about animals. Anyway, he got super excited thinking he was going to have creature power vests at HIS party. So then of course I couldn't say no . . . to making 12 creature power vests. I didn't show pictures of how to make the vests because there are lots of tutorials. See here. or here. I just used black fleece for the vest, colored fleece for the accents and velcro. I hot glued all the colored parts and the velcro on. I sewed the sides of the vest shut.
Yep. It was definitely a partay. I gathered most of my ideas from online, and I have to say pinterest is definitely my friend :) Here's how it went down: I designed an invite because really is there any good Wild Kratt's paraphernalia online. Nope.
Then I got gathering ideas and making stuff. . . which kind of snowballed into a lot of stuff (note to self: don't start planning early because then you just keep adding to your ideas).
I ended up with 10 creature power discs, which "activate" the creature power suits. On the show the 2 Kratt brothers have creature power suits--including a vest with a circle in the middle. They get these circular discs with an animal on them and put them into the circle and then their suit turns into whatever animal is on the disc. (Yeah, I know that didn't make sense).
* get the CREATURE POWER DISCS PDF HERE. (I modified some I found online to fit the activities we wanted to do--if you want the original jpegs they should be linked through the pinterest link). I turned these into pdfs so I could make sure they were all able to be hole punched with my 3.5 inch hole punch--I had 100 to cut out and I wanted to make it easy on myself :)
Print on cardstock, punch with 3.5 inch hole punch or cut out with scissors, glue small piece of velcro to back.
We just had too many activities we wanted to do--so 6 of the discs we turned into an activity to "use" the disc and the other 4 went into their favor bags to take home. We started off giving them their beaver discs so they could turn into beavers and make beaver dams out of peanut butter and pretzels. In theory it was suppose to take a long time and be an opener while everyone arrived. But somehow everyone seemed to arrive within like a 5 minute window. So they all made their "dams" together.
Next up we took them outside and gave them their Cheetah Discs to turn into cheetah's and race around the yard. A little anticlimactic, but the buddy enjoyed it. Because we had so many kids we split them in half and rotated through the rest of the activities.
For the Buttefly creature power disc I gave them each their disc and then they wrapped each other up in toilet paper like a cocoon and then "burst" free to become a butterfly. Simple, but fun.
For the polar bear disc I froze 4 gallon size bags of water flat in the freezer and then we pulled them out and put them on the grass. They had to step from "ice floe" to "ice floe" without slipping off. (but I don't think we managed pictures of this one before they were done--they went fast).
For the shark disc we had a little blow up pool that they fished for little plastic fishes. By far the favorite, and the one thing the buddy requested we do.
The platypus disc was a simple carrying a boiled egg on a spoon to the nest game. Not the highlight, butsome of the kids thought it was pretty great.
* get the ANIMAL OUTLINE POSTER PDF'S HERE. Print the first 3 pages on simple patterned scrapbook paper/cardstock and then cut out each animal leaving black outline. Print last 5 pages on colored cardstock. Glue animals above words.
And of course we had to end with cake and ice cream (or ice cream sandwiches).
*Get generic WILD KRATT TOPPERS PDF HERE. Print on cardstock and punch out with a 2 inch hole punch. (they don't say Caleb on them).
I also ended up making a little pouch for each child with a velcro closure and a band on the back so that as they collected each disc they could put the previous one in the pouch so it didn't get lost. In retrospect it was kind of a lot of work, and it may have been faster and more organized if they'd just given me back each disc as we moved on--and then I could have divided them out again at the end to send them home.
* get the FAVOR TAGS PDF HERE. Print on cardstock and cut out with 2 inch hole punch.
The Firefly included a glow stick bracelet.
The Earthworm had a little toy worm and some gummy worms.
The bat included some "bat ears" made from black elastic and black fleece left over from the vests.
The large mouth bass included some gold fish.
The buddy had a good time. He still occasionally puts on his creature power vest and runs around the house. And even when he doesn't have his vest on he'll say "cheetah power" and that means he's running "super" fast. It ended up being quite a bit of work, but I kind of brought in on myself. I get started and the ideas just keep coming and I want to do them all and so I do. I enjoy it though so I guess it's okay. I just hope it doesn't get out of control (probably too late for that one eh?)
Wow, that was a lot of work. It was a lot of fun though. Jaden sometimes puts on his creature power vest too! :)
Wow! You deserve the Mom of the Year award. Amazing. Porter loves wild kratts, so I will definitely keep this post for reference. You are awesome. Also we don't talk near as often as I would like. We should change that. :) I hope all is well.
Wow, Lar! That is amazing. Awesome job!
I'm super impressed Lauralee! You really set the bar high for the rest of us moms. Everything looked amazing! You really did a fantastic job. Maybe if I start now I can have a party like that for my little girl in a couple years or so. :)
I am inspired to do a Wild Kratts party for my almost 5 year old twins!! Thanks for sharing your ideas and printables. I'm going to use them. :)
Do you by chance have a way for us to change the invite to use for ourselves? All of your ideas are awesome!
I appreciate, very much, that you've shared your great ideas and so many PDFs! My own Kratt-enthusiast is turning five soon and has set his sights on a Wild-Kratts gig. You've certainly made the prospect less daunting! Thank you :-)
I happened across your blog while searching for ideas for my son's WK party...my goodness, this is the MOTHER LODE of WK ideas! Thank you so much for providing PDFs so that my son could have a fabulous WK party and I didn't go insane searching down all the components. :)
I wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing those awesome PDFs!!!!
LOVE all these ideas! Thanks for all the hard work you shared. I can't wait to start on my son's party. I just don't have the sewing talent like you do! Gotta find someone to help, quick! I wish you had the pdf for the invitation! Those are cute and I have no idea how to make them!
Hey Jennifer,
Thank you. I recently made a fill-in able invite. Email me and I will send it to you if you are interested.
Hi Lauralee
This is amazing! Thank you ! Would you mind also sending me a copy of the fill in able invite.
Could you send me a fill-in-able invite?
Wonderful ideas! Would you be willing to send me your fill-in-able invitation?
Thanks for sharing all this!
What an awesome collection of ideas for a Wild Kratts party--thank you for sharing them!! Would you mind emailing me the invite? I'm planning a party for my daughter's 4th birthday & she's obsessed with Wild Kratts...these ideas and activities would be perfect!
My email address is kndale@gmail.com
Thanks again!
Amazing party planning collection! Thank you SO much for your generosity in sharing with everyone... would love the fill in invite, and do you happen to have a "6" graphic for the toppers? ourshortbus@hotmail.com
Thank you so much for all these great ideas! I am definitely going to use them for my son's birthday. I was just wondering if you're willing to share your invitation. I realize you worked really hard on it, so I hesitate to ask, but you did such a great job and I would love to use it. Did you create it in Photoshop? Where did you find your images? If you're willing to share your psd file, I would really appreciate it.
I LOVE the Wild Kratts party printables. Could you PLEASE send me the fill-in-able Invite?
Laura Lee,
Thank you for making my life easier! This is great. I noticed above that you may have the empty fill-in invitation available. Do you mind sharing?
Thank you!!!
Thank you so much for offering to share the birthday invite. My son's birthday is coming up soon and I would love to be able to use yours! My email is wendygallacher@gmail.com Thank you so much, great blog!!!
All your pdf's are amazing! Thanks for sharing :)
If you are still offering your invite, I would love a copy! I can't seem to find a decent graphic.
debz77 @ yahoo.com
I love all of your game ideas! I was wondering if you had any other ideas for a game we could play for the beaver disc? I have several kids coming to my son's birthday party that have a peanut allergy.
We used peanut butter and pretzel sticks to construct beaver dams to earn that badge, but you could easily substitute canned frosting (chocolate would make convincing mud), cream cheese, or hummus, for peanut butter.
Could you send me the invite to use for my son's 7th bday? He would just love it. I totally loved all your ideas! THanks SO much for sharing. My email is chelseal.chase@yahoo.com.
I would love to use your invite template for my son's birthday invites. Do you by chance have it available that you could email it to me. It is awesome that you have all this available. Thanks so much!
Thanks for sharing all your ideas. I would love to get the invite. If possible email is eberryman19@hotmail.com
These are great tips! We used them for our Wild Kratts party on the weekend. I'm going to include a link to your blog on mine (www.valleyfamilyfun.ca/inex.php/blog)! Hope that's ok!
Thanks for all the great ideas and tips!
You did a terrific job on the printables (making my job much easier). If you happen to have the editable invitation I would love a copy of that as well. Did you have the age on the toppers as something that could be edited too? My kids just found the Wild Kratts show in July of this year and it has become a quick favorite. I am thinking if I start now I could get everything ready for my son's bday party next summer! LOL Thanks again.
What a party! I would love a copy of your invitation for me to edit if you don't mind. sarahnorcross@hotmail.com
Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas.
Thank you for the great ideas - I am planning my boys joint 2nd and 5th birthdays with a Wild Kratts theme. Would you mind sending me a copy of the editable invitation - I am having a hard time finding one where I can fit both boys names - adorband@yahoo.com
Thank you,
Great blog post! I don’t understand how long it will require me to obtain through all of them!
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Hi there,
I love all your printables! Would you please share your Wild Kratts fill-in invite with me. My email is jszabo4@optonline.net
Thank you so much!
Lauralee - Thank you! My son turned 5 and we had a blast at our WK party! We did the butterfly cocoon / toilet paper, fishing and also bass pinata (trap door, no bat--kinda unKratt like to pummel a creature, no?), and made beaver dams from pretzels and chocolate frosting on a little paper river that I made, also a pin the tail on the cheetah. The shirts and disks were a big hit, sent them home with extra disks and Natl. Geo animal books from Dollar Tree. Can't thank you enough for sharing! I'm truly grateful to have made his day SO special!
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas! Love all the games! Could you share your customizable birthday invite? xconnie@yahoo.com Thanks!
Continue the good work; keep posting more n more n more. Brandon L. Jones Photography
congratulations guys, quality information you have given!!! derbykids entertainer
Nice party, anyway i liked your birthday invitations. Good job, thanks for sharing and more power to your blog.
Thanks for sharing all these great ideas! Can you also send me a copy of your invitation.
Thanks so much! Naomiling@yahoo.com
Wow! Your child's WK party looks and sounds amazing! I am loving this theme for my son's 5th bday party in January! Can you please send me a copy of your invitation? Much thanks!
I love your WK party! Would you be willing to share your editable invite? I'm planning a joint party for my 4 and 5 year old boys... Thanks, Erin
Are you still sharing your invite that can be filled out? If so I'd love a copy:)
So many great ideas! I will definitely be using some of them as I plan my sons 5th birthday! Could I get a copy of the editable invite? Thanks!!
Hi Lauralee/Supermom/Birthday party Savior,
Would you please send me a link to the invitations??
Thanks so much,
Wow, your hard work paid off! I would love to have the link to the awesome invitations you made. Are you sharing?
Thank you for sharing your talents! I wish I could create like this. I noticed you said you were willing to share the invite that can be filled in. I have a boy turning 6, that would love to use this as his invite, if you don't mind sharing. Thanks so much!
Love all your ideas! Could I have a copy of the editable invitation as well? Thanks so much! Sarahfearn00@gmail.com
This is such a great post, thanks for sharing! If the offer still stands, I would love a copy of the editable invitation stephensdeanna@gmail.com
Hi! I was wondering if you still had a copy of the invitations? It would be very helpful. I can't seem to find one that will fit both my boys' names on it. alexarellanes17@gmail.com
Lauralee, this is the best!! Would love to have the invite for my little girls party next month. Hands down the best wild kratts party ideas. Thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing all your ideas. I would love to get the invite.
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Hi! What wonderful ideas!! I have a Caleb as well who is turning 5 soon and is in love with the Wild Kratts! I know you did this year's ago, but of you are still sending out the invites I would absolutely appreciate a copy to fill in!! Thanks in advance!
Hi! What wonderful ideas!! I have a Caleb as well who is turning 5 soon and is in love with the Wild Kratts! I know you did this year's ago, but of you are still sending out the invites I would absolutely appreciate a copy to fill in!! Thanks in advance!
hello there, do you mind sending me a copy of the invite you made?
I love your WK party! Would you be willing to share your editable invite? I'm planning a joint party for my 4 and 5 year old boys
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Hello! I just wanted you to know your ideas are still being used :) Thank you so much for sharing them. Have a wonderful day!! Also your sunshine wreath was one of the first things I ever pinned eons ago :D
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My daughter and I love the Kratts Brothers. Her 5th birthday is coming. I remember growing up watching Zoombafoo. Would you please send me a copy of your fill-in-able invitations as well? I absolutely love your design! It's the best one I have seen and so creative. Thank you!
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Cricut machine cuts the shapes out of leather, balsa wood, fabric, cardstock, and a large number of materials. The process of setting up a Cricut machine through cricut.com/setup is easy. You can reach Cricut’s official site and download Design Space. After installing it on your PC, you can get started with the process of making cards, crafts, and party decorations.
Hello everyone! This is Alfie Radnor. I work as a web developer in an IT company. Recently, a friend of mine suggested this site to me.
visit my site:-setup.brother.com
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