Thursday, April 29, 2010

mother's day magnets

We're getting our grand Mother's day gifts ready to send off. The little buddy and I used some Crayola air dry clay and cut these out with mini cookie cutters. We pressed the little buddy's finger prints into the centers-the idea was to make hearts with his finger prints (you know how I like that). After they dried we painted them. I painted them with a clear coat of finger nail polish to make them water resistant. If I had it to do over again I would probably use a polymer clay instead of the Crayola clay. The air dry clay is a bit brittle-hence the broken one when I was gluing on the magnets.

Monday, April 26, 2010

ABC cards & a giveaway

The little buddy has been struggling with his lowercase alphabet. He does great with uppercase-but when I ask him what a lower case letter is, it's hit and miss. So I've made some fun mini flashcards to help him out.

These are fun to use as a matching game, a memory game, or even as go-fish cards. You can download them free by clicking here. To use them just print and cut the paper in quarters the long way and in half the short way-making each card 2.75" x 4.25" Perfect for a rainy day like we're having today!

*Also, I wanted to share a great giveaway going on over at Simple Serendipity's blog. She has the coolest shop ever on etsy where she sells jewelry-all for under $5. But if you want to get a $20 gift card go leave a comment about the best thing your mother ever taught you.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rolo Cookies

These rolo cookies are quite simply amazing-especially right out of the oven and still warm. mmmmm. I spent one semester in college eating at the cafeteria (and gaining 10 lbs) and these cookies were one of my favorite. So I asked the cooks for the recipe. I don't make it too often, but every time I do I wonder why I haven't made it sooner!

Rolo Cookies

2 1/2 cups flour
1 t. baking soda
3/4 c. cocoa
1 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. butter
2 eggs
2 t. vanilla
48 rolos (a bag has about 56)

Combine flour, cocoa, soda. Set aside. Beat sugar and butter until blended. Add eggs and vanilla. Add dry ingredients. Shape into small balls. Press rolos into center of ball and cover with dough. Bake on a greased cookie sheet for 8-10 minutes at 350 degrees. Makes 4 dozen.

Friday, April 16, 2010

new-baby card tutorial

*post edit-the link should work now, sorry about that.

So, lots of new babies coming this year. I was in card making mode when I strolled over to A Little Hut and was inspired by her easter egg card to make this fun and simple card. I thought I would spread the love with a simple tutorial-so you can make one too! Click here to download the card. Print it on cardstock and cut it in half (5.5" or hamburger style)-because two will print per page. Then cut out the onesie carefully with an exacto knife.

Next cut strips of scrapbooking paper at angles measuring at least 4 1/2 inches long. I like to stick with a color family or contrasting colors in this case (pink and green). It makes it a little more cohesive. Line all your little strips of paper up and tape them down to a piece of paper measuring 4 1/8 x 5 1/4 inches.

Then take this paper with your series of strips and double stick tape it to the back of the card so they show through the onsie. Glue would work too. Just make sure to only go along the edges. Now fold your card in half and wala-you are done.

Friday, April 9, 2010

girly things

Using this great tutorial from Little Birdie Secrets I have discovered a love for crocheted flowers-especially using ribbon instead of yarn. I've also been trying my hand at girly headbands. Especially because we're expecting a little girl in August! Got to get started early . . . (and yes, my little buddy is modeling them. He's a good sport :)


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