
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

man cards

I always struggle to make birthday cards for men. Hand made cards have a definite tendency towards the feminine. Of course most men won't look at the outside of the card for more than a few seconds anyway, so maybe I make it too big a deal. But, I care. So this year I have decided to go with more a simple statement for the plethora of men in my life (aka. 1 grandpa, 1 father in law, 1 father, 12 brothers/ bro-in laws (yeah we have big families)). Here's what I've come up with: I think it is working really well, and helps to streamline all the birthday cards while still making them individualized. It's good though, with several every month it keeps my fingers in card making-and I really like that hands-on process. I've thought about making this into a pdf for a freebie friday with all the letters of the alphabet. Any interest?

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