
Friday, March 4, 2011

Freebie Friday: { Mini }Treasure Chest Box and a few annoucements

I probably shouldn't admit it, but the buddy is still not potty trained. He's both stubborn and sensitive about it and I am desperate. DESPERATE. This idea came to me awhile ago, but carving out the time to actually make it didn't happen until yesterday.  A Treasure Box to house his "potty booty." A new bribe. It's little, cool, with a secret inside? Isn't that good bribery?

It's small, only 1.5 inches deep and long by 2.5 inches wide, but perfect for a mini candy bar, or other small treat to bribe the pirate loving buddy. Get the Treasure Chest here.

*one note: I have changed the lock on it to be on the front of the box instead of on the lid, so it doesn't get folded in :)

They could also be cute for St. Patricks Day right? Or is that a pot of gold? I get pirates and leprechauns mixed up they both say arrrrrr right? Or maybe it's just the whole Lucky Charms, Marshmallow Matey thing that's got me confused. Still . . . it could work.

Or favor boxes at a pirate birthday party? 

ANNOUNCEMENTS? I said I would let you know when I got these in the shop . . yeah two weeks is a few days right?

Find the Lace Up Card Boys (already made for you) and printable costumes in the shop here 

Last but not least, I finally gave in and made a facebook page. Like me so I don't feel like a friendless loser :) Plus I'll post my freebies a little early for ya!


  1. Hooray for the facebook page! Eerie, though. I was just searching Wednesday to see if you had a Yellow Mums Fb page. . .

  2. We just made these treasure chests today. For family night we each got a treasure box of candy and hid them and made a treasure hunt to find them. It was really fun. Katelyn absolutely loved it. Thanks for all the cute and fun stuff. I really enjoy your blog.
