
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

ABC Flashcards Giveaway!!

I must be on an ABC kick what with getting the little buddy ready for preschool! Yep, we're just doing a little joy school, so it will be fun to be one of his teachers. We're both pretty excited about that. So I hung up these ABC flashcards to take pictures of them, but they were so fun up on the wall that we've decided to make them a permanent fixture.

So maybe it's mean trickery that these aren't a freebie . . . but I do have them up in my etsy shop! I know my blogs probably mostly just good for freebies, but occasionally I spend a whole lot of time working on something and I feel like it's worth a little more than just free :) Sometimes it's a hard call whether to give something away or sale it. Don't hate me.

Anyway, onto the giveaway. I will be giving away TWO pdf Printable ABC Polka Dot flashcard sets away. These cool ABC's are each different, yet only use red, yellow and blue. The different sized polka dots make the red and yellow, or red and blue, or yellow and blue turn into secondary colors (same idea behind pointilism). Simple and fun fun fun.

Here are the rules:

1. Comment and tell me your favorite letter of the alphabet
2. Get a second "entry" by following me, or telling me you already do.
3. Giveaway will be announced next Thursday, September 1st.



  1. My favorite letter of the alphabet is L, i always loved watching you and lisa write in such cool ways, so jealous. hehe and you know i already follow you :)

  2. Big fan of all your graphics! Thank you for this giveaway.

    My favourite letter is A, because is in all of the girls names in our family ;)

  3. I have always had you on my google reader...but now am a Follower.

  4. Love these! My fave letter is V!

  5. My favorite letter is "j"... because my name starts with it!

  6. I already follow your blog - and love it!

  7. My favorite letter is a capital cursive S. It's so swirly and fun to write! :)

  8. My favorite letter is O. So simple.

  9. I don't know that I have a favorite, but I'll go ahead and say A. This alphabet is adorable! I love it.

  10. cet abc est vraiment magnifique, j'aimerais en avoir un comme cela dans ma classe (mes élèves ont entre 4 et 6 ans)... il faut donner sa lettre préférée ? mmh difficile... le A est superbe, mais toutes les autres lettres aussi !

    this ABC is relly beautiful, i'd like to have one like this in my classroom (my pupils are between 4 and 6) I must choose a letter ? mmh quite difficult... A is superb, but all letters are so !

  11. i don't know how to follow (but I follow you via RSS flux igoogle)

  12. My favorite letter is M! :) Thanks for all of your cute printables!

  13. my favorite letter is M! love these!

  14. I'm a follower.

    So glad you come up with so many fun ideas that I can use. (I loved your gingerbread house recipe and the tie you made for Easter...I made both.)

  15. My favorite letter of the alphabet is J! J for Jesus and J for the name of my sweet baby boy Joshua. we are planning his 1st bday party which will be an Alphabet party so these flash cards would be PERfect! Heard about you from a friend and would love to order some stuff too!
    GOing to be a follower after i submit this comment!

  16. Lauralee! You are amazing! I am so glad that I came across your blog! How are you doing? :) You are so creative! I guess my favorite letter would have to be A! A: for amazing artwork!

    And now I am a follower! Thanks for sharing your great ideas!

    Amy Sandberg Jenkins

  17. I follow you and love your work!

  18. My favorite letter is B since it unites our family :)

  19. La, la, la, laughter. La, la, la, lullaby. L is such a lovely letter:)

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  22. These alphabet cards are AMAZING! I'd love to put them up in my daughter's room! My favorite letter is A. My name, my sister, all of our cousins, and my husband's name all start with A!

  23. These cards are so cute. You are so creative. My favorite letter is "G." It is so versatile, can be hard or soft and even helps make the "f" sound. It also spells gelato. Mmmm yum, gelato.

  24. My favorite letter of the alphabet is C because it's the first letter of my first name. :) I would love to win this! So cute.

  25. My favorite letter of the alphabet is "L"- one of the only letter's of the alphabet I as every able to write well in cursive

  26. This are beautiful. My favorite letter is K.

  27. I am new to Yellow Mums and I love this site! My favorite letter is "M" because it's our last name initial (but that "K" of yours is pretty stinkin' cute!). I want a set of these for our preschool - can't imagine anything sweeter on those walls!! Thank you for sharing your talents!!

  28. I love your work! So creative! My favorite letter is "B" for my last name! SO grateful for it and proud of it! I follow your blog! Thank you for all your hard work and sharing your talents!

  29. I am not sure what my favorite letter of the alphabet is. It would probably be and A. A's are in everything! These are so cute!

  30. My letter of the alphabet is "A". It is the beginning of the alphabet and amen! Amazing!
