
Monday, April 4, 2011

yellow bunting

This is mostly for my mother. I told her I had finally done this and she wanted to see. . . I've been wanting to make this ever since Candace of Sparkle Power listed some yellow scalloped bunting in her shop. I LOVED it, but I knew I could make my own with the large stash of yellow material I had on hand. It just took forever to get to it. I think the scallops are too long though-every time I look at it they look more like fat toes than scallops. bugging . . . but I sure love the fabric! moral of story-think about buying the perfect yellow scalloped bunting before it is sold :)


  1. Lovely bunting! Nothing like toes, at least none I have seen!

  2. super cute laur! amazing photography and designing too ;) ....hey they look like MY toes lol. No I didn't even notice or think of anything like that. It looks great!

  3. the proportions of your bunting are perfect!

    you continue to make the cutest stuff! I miss you. :)
