
Monday, April 25, 2011

Eggs & Sewing

I kinda dropped the ball this weekend. So many ideas so little time! So, I apologize for not so much as a "hi" on Friday. This is what I've been up to:

Coloring Eggs: Family tradition dictates we have to do it on Good Friday. It's one of my favorite Easter Traditions.

This year the buddy really got into it: these are his beautiful creations:

I love this one:  He put it in every color. I think it looks like a chalkboard.

And then I finished the sweeties Easter dress. I ended up following a Kwik Sew for Toddlers book rather than the original pattern I posted after finding out it only contained the 6 month size. oops. But this one works too. It's a tad big-but she'll grow into the 12 month size eh?

and made her a little rose bud head band to go with it

(and then Sunday morning sewed some of the extra lace onto her socks too).

I also let the buddy pick out the fabric for a tie I made using this tutorial on icandyhandmade. I wanted to do a pink one to match the sweetie, but he insisted on green. (I still snuck a little pink on the back. . . and then he proceeded to chew on his tie all through church . . . boys will be boys I guess).

Last but not least I decided last minute to sew myself a circle skirt as well following this tutorial on from MADE. I even dyed the elastic. See? The week was crazy, but Easter ended up being really really good. And that's what matters right? I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend as well!


  1. Great job! I always love seeing your Easter eggs. Plus, your dresses and tie are really cute too!

  2. So cute, I love all the pics! Great family picture. YOu are so amazing with all you do, Roalie always look so good!!

  3. Thanks for sharing your sewing projects! They all are so cute. When I saw your family picture on your family blog I wondered if you made your skirt, because I have been seeing a lot of them on blogdom as well... I really like how it turned out. And how did you dye the elastic?

  4. Hey Alicia! Thanks. MADE had the tutorial for the skirt, and another one for dying elastic. It was pretty simple straightforward-I just used a box of rit dye.

  5. what??! you made that skirt? and rosie's dress?? girrrrl, we need to have a sewing party. one where you teach me everything you know.
