
Friday, February 25, 2011

Freebie Friday: Numbers & Shapes Matching

This freebie was inspired by this post from handmade by Jill. The little buddy was sitting next to me while I was reading it and asked if I would make him "some of those." Obviously I don't an L Letterpress (alas) so we just did something on the computer. But they are still kind of fun. Instead of making them the same I opted for numbers and shapes with corresponding values. But, if you wanted to print out two sets you could just match number to number and shapes to shapes.

The second page I copied Jill and made a "back" for them. I thought that was really an ingenious idea since a lot of the time a single page of 67 lb. cardstock is still see-through when it's flipped over.  I used spray adhesive to stick them together before I cut them out. -but any kind of glue would work (elmer's or another really "wet" glue will probably make them wavy though). And of course there is always laminating . . .

Here they are. I did two inch square so if you want to turn them into circles instead it would work!



  1. awesome! Thanks for sharing it. I tweeted it.

  2. This looks great!

    I would like to invite you to add your ideas that can be applied to toddlers to our weekly linky (we run it each Friday!).

    Also, if not to much to ask... would it be possible that you add FeedBurner mail subscription option to your blog? :)

  3. Awesome! Thank you! I always love your free printables that are great for preschool learning.

  4. Lauralee,
    I love your blog! I just went through the entire thing backwards. I couldn't stop. You share so many great ideas and are so talented! Thanks!!!

  5. I would love to download these number cards to print. The the link is a dead end. Is there a way I can get them? Thank you.
