
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

headbands & clips

This last week I and a friend made a bunch of headbands-well, most of them are clips that can clip onto a headband. I was inspired by these headbands on Homemade by Jill. I learned two things-they are very addicting to make-even now I have more ideas of things I want to try. And two, they take more time than I think they are going to-pretty much like every craft I think I can whip up in a few minutes, eh? Anyway, they were fun, and now the little sweetie is more identifiable as a girl even with her little fuzzy duckling hair :)

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! And I totally feel ya about that duckling hair. My little girl is almost 18 months and is finally starting to get enough hair to pull up into a little pigtail. If I got a dime for every time someone told me how cute my little boy was, I'd be rich. Haha.
