
Friday, December 3, 2010

Freebie Friday-Make Your Own Calendar

So I want to have the little buddy make hand made gifts for the grandparents. But I want it to be something useful, not something that will get tossed or forgotten, and something made by him, not me. Unless I come up with a better idea than this before we get around to it, this is what we will be doing . . . decorating a Calendar for the grandparents! Print your own here.

A few other fun ideas:

*Paste pictures on each page
for drawing prompts:
*draw a squiggly shape and have them make something out of it (that was always my favorite in elementary school)
*make a collage for each month using magazines, etc.
 *do pictures of the family members who have birthdays in that month
* To finish i: staple it, put in a folder in page protectors, cerlox bind it, or even frame them.

I think this will be a great way to introduce time and calendars to the little buddy in a more formal way!

I'm also pretty excited about the new poster I just put up in my shop-check it out!


  1. hello
    the calendar file isn't public??? I can't download it...
    take a look

  2. Yes, it says it is private for me too.

  3. This is great! Thanks so much. :)

  4. Do you have one that we can adjust to make for each year! WHat a cute calendar

  5. Unfortunately no. For every number on every month I had to move them around by hand. Alas. I suppose you could white out them all :)

  6. I liked your calendar but I didn't see any button to save or download it. Pitty. Hmm Where can I get your pretty calendar?

  7. Hi Web Master,

    Glad you liked it. I only made it for 2011 so the days would all be off for this year, which is why there isn't a link.
